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Look Into the Mirror: A New Year's Evaluation Saturday, December 30, 2006 - 3:39 PM

LOOK into the mirror, what do you see?
If you see you, then you don't see me.

LOOK into the mirror, what do you see?
If you see a mean, selfish image, then you don't see me.

LOOK into the mirror, what do you see?
If you see an image of bitterness and greediness, then you don't see me.

LOOK into the mirror, what do you see?
If you see an image of impatience and foolishness, then you don't see me.

LOOK into the mirror, what do you see?
If you see acts of lasciviousness and deceitful lust, then you don't see me.

LOOK into the mirror, what do you see?
If you see acts of fornication, and covetousness, then you don't see me.

LOOK into the mirror, what do you see?
If you see an image of an adulterous and idolater, then you don't see me.

The good news is we can be washed and cleansed in the name of Jesus Christ.
Then when we look into the mirror, His image is what we should see.

LOOK into the mirror, what do you see?
Can you see imagines of the inner man inside me? It is an image of love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance. When we see these things looking back at us, then we will be able to see Christ living inside of us. When we submit to God, we will reflect His image.

Scripture Text:
Galatians 5:22-26; James 1 23-25; Ephesians 4:17-32


God will put us through a refiner's fire to purify us. He will bring things up to the surface He wants removed from our character, until He can see His reflection in us. I Corinthians 3:9-15 says, God is the master builder and He is building on us. Paul says God has built the foundation and He knows those who belong to Him. God already knows us better than we know ourselves, and He knows what it will take to work out all areas not of His character. God is the potter and we are the clay. It is He who is molding and shaping us into a vessel He can to use for His glory. Ask yourself these questions, and answer with complete honesty. What part of your character is not a reflection of God's character? What part of God's character do you need to work on so, it will reflect as part of your character? Take a hard look at yourself, then pray and ask God to reveal to you the areas you need to correct. Ask those closest to you, "what area in my character do you see that I need to work on?" Ask them to frame their response something like this, "I would like to see you work on patience when it comes to &" or "I would like to see you work on trust issues when I do this&" When you reflect God's character, it will show up in your actions for others to see.

The mirror will show you what is really there for you to see, but many avoid the mirror because they don't want to face what God has to say about our lives. We can't handle the truth because then we are left with the convictions of our heart as well as the challenge to surrender those shortcomings to God and allow the Holy Spirit to transform our lives to be pleasing in God's sight. Imagine going through the day without ever looking into a mirror to check your appearance. You will walk around with an impression of yourself as you want to look, but others will see what is really there. Have you ever saw a spot or rip in your clothing and you wished someone had brought it to your attention so you could correct it before others could have seen your imperfection. This is the very reason why we need a self examination.

The medical doctors teach woman about the importance of doing a self breast examination. We know our own body therefore; we would be the first to notice the slightest change which could warrant a visit to the doctor for special attention to a possible life changing problem. Wouldn't it be a good idea to for us to do the same with our own spirit, character, and attitude? Write down a self examination of your spirit, character, and attitude then write the areas in need of improvement. Determine what is within your power to change and what will need to be submitted to God in prayer to work on in you. Lineup each area in comparison to God's words not another's opinion. Dedicate each day to focus on only one area at a time; for example patience when in traffic, temperance with your spouse, or quality time with your children. Make it a goal and then reward yourself in your success by continuing sensitivity in this area daily. Pray until your change comes.
May God be your strength.

Look into the mirror, now what do you see? Do you have a resemblemce to your Father?
Do you talk like Him, think like Him, act like Him. Do you share the same passion as your Father?Do you live your life the way a son or daughter of the King should? Evaluate yourself when you look into God's mirror and make the necessary changes through the help of the Holy Spirit.

Forever in His Service,
KC Whitefeather


Where Dreams are Conceived and a Destiny is Birthed

Five goals for 2007: Turning our focus to God; Restoring & Increasing our Faith; Building on our Character; Empowering Minds to Serve God; Motivating Hearts to Change.

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